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"To be, or not to be--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them."


When I was a kid, I read a lot. I was unafraid of ideas; I explored every nook and cranny of the possible universe through the books I read, the articles, the stories, the forums, the feedback, and the comments. My mind was unaware of the limitations of the "normal" world, and so I allowed myself to consider the possibilities of the future rather than the probabilities. Over time, as my ideas were tempered by dismissal, as my passions were denied by the realities of life, I found the spark of my youth fading. 

As a child, I was allowed to love unconditionally. I was  allowed to care with all my heart, mind, and soul, without any fear of chastisement. We are allowed our imaginations, our hope, and our dreams. The difficulties of life bore not a semblance of import in comparison to my love for hockey. Not food, not sleep, nothing trumped my desire to be interacting in some way with that incredible game. Hockey itself is a reflection of that unconditional love; where players love their team, their fans, their sport, their area, enough to drop in front of a 100+mph frozen missile. Literally diving in front of a bullet, and all for something that they see as slightly greater than their momentary comfort. When you love something, there should be nothing that prevents you from pursuit of it. 

Yet here we are. Today, most of you reading this will work an 8 hour shift for a job you do not care much for only to go home, sleep, and come back the next day. This unending hamster wheel is done so that you may pay the bills, so that you may afford yourself small luxuries, and maybe the ability to do some hobbies that you like in your free time. This goes on until you are too old to continue working productively, and then you just stagnate until you die, slowly losing health and wealth until nothing is left but a corpse in the ground, and perhaps children to go on the same general path. This is how life goes for the lucky; for many in the world, things are much shorter, much harder, and much more condensed. In some places, children are being killed on a regular basis, and in other places, people in suits argue that we should not help them. In some parts of the world, farmers are committing suicide at ridiculous rates because they cant afford to feed their families, while in other parts of the world companies are dumping food to regulate prices. Many suffer, some suffer less than others, and yet still we manage to find happiness in our lives. The strength of humanity is our hope, our belief in ourselves and the future. What if there was another way?

What if you could wake up in the morning, get out of bed, and do whatever you wanted to do (even if that means not actually getting out of bed for the day; we all need that sometimes)? What if you could eat whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, for free? What if housing was a given along with fresh air and water? 

What if that was accompanied by the availability of the best technology the human race has to offer in every field without cost?

We can build that world. All we have to do is leap. 

The leap is not simply one of physical change; it is, rather, a leap of the mind. It is an alteration of the basic underlying foundations of our lives, a replacement of the bedrock that our species has built a globe spanning civilization off of. It is the leap from the small mindedness of the past to the vast expanse that is our realistic potential, if we are able to capitalize on our skills and abilities rather than trudging through life as pawns in some dreary game of life and death. This is a leap of faith into a new future for humanity that is not constrained by our flawed past development and the imperfections of human nature. 

There are no negatives to this leap. There is no pit of doom, no snakes or spikes. This is simply a step past the imaginary limitations our global development has places upon us.


Why can we not have the best of the best for everyone? Why can everyone not eat? Because, it is argued, people need jobs, in order to make money, in order to buy the things they need to survive. What if we cut out the middle man? What if we mechanize the workforce, tell everyone at their jobs to go home, and then give everyone the things they need to survive for free? If there is no need for income to buy things, there is no need for a human workforce. The vast majority of jobs today can be done by machines. "But what about those jobs that cannot be done by machines?" I hear the voice in your head ask. The answer is simple: everyone likes doing something. Every person has a passion, and every single thing one can be passionate about has someone that is passionate about it. There will still be doctors; there will still be engineers, farmers, technicians, and more. However, instead of doing a job because it is needed to pay the bills, people will only pursue the things they are passionate about, without fear of not being able to survive. This unlocks a level of development never before seen. The possibilities are endless; like a child again, when allowed to pursue our passions unhindered, we reawaken our humanity. Children will always help others if they can. When we are like children again, the world will change. Using this system, we allow ourselves to maximize not only our potential, but we utilize the very nature of humanity to push development forward in a way that can only possibly be positive. 

We can get off the hamster wheel of a "Business as Usual" life. We can change. We just have to allow ourselves to believe it is possible. We have to take the leap of faith from dark to light, from behind the curtain of false impossibility and into the realm in which no dream is too big, no undertaking too difficult. We can build the world our children deserve.

All it takes is a leap.

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